Now Shipping: The Taj-Mahal Travelers and Yoshi Wada October 23 2019
Shipping this week, two pioneering and powerful debuts. Both first-time reissues and limited edition.
While The Taj-Mahal Travelers was founded by Takehisa Kosugi, this legendary Japanese collective maintained a strictly leader-less philosophy. Originally released in 1972, July 15, 1972 coalesces into a unified whole, as if the waveforms bypass the listener's ears and land directly inside one's synapses.
Fluxus composer Yoshi Wada's sparse and otherworldly Lament For The Rise And Fall Of The Elephantine Crocodile was recorded during an epic three-day session in an empty swimming pool in upstate New York, utilizing bagpipe-like instruments built by the artist himself. The overall effect is simply magnificent.